Monday, January 26, 2009


one of the ladies at the home I work at, touches my belly and taps it. "Youre going to have a little girl, arnt u?" and it shocked me! One, I havent had my period yet, and I should have or should be in the next day or so. And two.... did I look like im going to have a baby? My stomach is not that big??? oh my word.... my period better come...... i better not be pregnant, i better not be pregnant, i better not be pregnant, i better not be pregnant!


  1. that's so weird someone saying that.... anyway I know it' s horrible waiting for period and thinking your pregnant... hope your not anyway... keep it posted... :)

  2. If you had your period last month and you WERE pregnant you wouldnt be showing already but get tested now now now!! what a bizatch! maybe she was joking about how thin you are??? x

  3. she was probably just delusional, don't worry! I've convinced myself that I was pregnant millions of time and so far no bbs.

  4. are you losing weight? when i lost some my period stopped and i was really scared for a while that i may be prego!
