Saturday, January 17, 2009

brain exhausted

I just finished reading 12 peer reviewed journal articles. My brain and eyes are exhausted. Research papers are sooo much work. Im not used to all this academic crap. I dont mind it, just not used to it. 

I am sticking to my guns, and said no to Cameron tonight. I probably will bail on my sis and you friend, Im tired, and dont know anyone. Well see...

Ive ate 200 cals, plus 2 Bp sessions, and a lot of chew and spit. Who knows how many calories that I consumed in the previous stated activities. At least I got some homework done...

Im depressed...


  1. Good for you! Men are a hard habit to break, sometimes the hardest of all. Even if you don't go out with your sis at least she agreed to let you go, maybe you can go out another time. Feel better.
