Saturday, February 28, 2009

mardi gras photos

i hate how fat my face is
but it was a fun night out with Katie and her friends.

I went on a long run today, then work. The sun was out again, and despite snow I ran, and I ran far and hard..... and then.. when I got to work binge purge binge purge binge purge. i mean WTF robin! and i stepped on the scale praying for a low number, nope.. 115.3!!!!! im freaking out.


  1. You look gorgeous! Your arms are perfect... Gah. Jealous.

    And I wish I had some magical solution to help you stop b/ping... I wish I could take your pain away.

    Good luck chica. I'm pulling for ya

  2. I'm sorry it was a less-than-ideal day. I'm rooting for you.

  3. But you -are- tiny<3
    Agreed w/perfect arms; they're my own weak point.
